Sunday, October 31, 2010

Spooky Halloween!

It was a good day to be working on this one... I think I'm nearly finished.

Acrylic on text & maps on canvas, Detail of original 9"x12" Please click for a closer look. Prior states can be seen here

For The Old Man and the Cat, by Anthony Holcroft, to be published in 2011 by Penguin NZ.

p.s. If you'd like to see my Alfred-E-Lantern, check out my Flickr page.

Curious Art by Leah Palmer Preiss

1 comment:

Elizabeth Parsons said...

love your spooky halloween...but I have to say that I LOVE your Alfred E.N. pumpkin! I too spent waaay too much time reading the magazine. As a young adult it was the only magazine i would subscribe to as i believed it was the only one worth spending my money on...