And now for something completely different! In honor of National Drink Wine Day* (or actually in defiance of it, since this was an unauthorized use) I had the notion to do a little sketch using wine as a medium. It was a new experience for me (though I have painted with coffee before). I used some cheap Cabernet Sauvignon on Bristol board, applied with a 10x0 watercolor brush. (The image is roughly 4x5".) The wine right out of the bottle gave a pale grey-violet effect. I wanted to be able to darken some areas, so I tried condensing it for a bit in the microwave. Interestingly, this not only darkened & thickened the "ink" but also caused it to retain its original reddish color, at least long enough for a scan. Further experiments are in order, but first I must answer my country's call & drink some of this stuff. Cheers!
*Thanks to the ever-inspiring
Allison Sommers for alerting me to this vitally important national event.
Hey Leah! Thanks for sharing this very interesting idea. I would like to try it some time.
Do you think the wine stain would last that long on paper? Or will it retain it's acidity and destroy the paper?
Hmmm, Bjornik, I must confess I wasn't even thinking about longevity for this one, although I generally strive to make my paintings archival. Maybe one of those spray neutralizers on the back would do the trick?
Oooh... thanks Leah, the neutralizers sound interesting! I think if you can pull this off and make it last, then it would be an excellent idea. Can't wait to see you come up with new discoveries, good luck on this experiment!:)
Too neat!
Pickled dog in pickled print!
You'll definitely have to update us visitors about whether the neutralizer works!
What a great idea. I've used coffee and teas, too.
Fascinating, but the poor wee dog!
You've got the full concept here. Nice!
Very nice! I recently thought about making some 'blueberry ink'. Perhaps I should give it a try!
Love the image, love the technique, love the idea of the self-congratulatory glass of wine afterwards! You earned it :)
Well, if that isn't the coolest idea ever!!
Cheers to you Leah! What a creative idea! Looks great too! Who would have thought! Hey next week is national mustard week.... can’t wait to see the mustard medium ;o) Just kidding, but you may have started a food painting trend.
Wow..this is fantastic! Love the concept and how well you illustrated this piece.
Great work Leah!! Fantastic!!
What an interesting idea. I never would have thought of doing that. I wonder how permanent it is? It's a delightful drawing.
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